Development of some suite of tools and PostgreSQL modules/extensions at the backend layer (for US and India Customers), that provides processing of vector data, using special expressions language: This suite and PostgreSQL DB data are used by .Net Framework Web Application. Technologies and tools: - Linux Platform (Ubuntu, Debian); - C11, C++11/C++17, GCC/G++; - flex, bison; - STL, Boost C++, Log4cplus; - Multi-threading; - Posix API; - Make Tool; - GDB, Kdbg; - Eclipse C/C++, KDevelop; - valgrind; - Git, bitbucket; - PostgreSQL 10, modules/extensions of PostgreSQL; - PostgreSQL SPI; - libpq, libpqxx; - PL/pgSQL; - pgAdmin, DBeaver; -; -; Activity: - Development of re-entrant/multi-thread support syntax parser, that implements special expressions language for processing of vector data, that supports arithmetic, bitwise operators, comparison, various types of constants, several functions for the processing of vector data, brackets, ordering, ...; - flex, bison; - Development of console tool, that provides processing of vector data, using special expressions language; - flex, bison; - libpq, libpqxx; - STL, Boost C++ (command line parameters, xml files reading, regular expressions parsing, boost algorithms); - Log4cplus; - Make Tool; - GDB, Kdbg; - Eclipse C/C++; - valgrind; - Development of PostgreSQL module/extension, that provides processing of vector data, using special expressions language: - flex, bison; - PostgreSQL Native API (SPI); - STL, Boost C++ (regular expressions parsing, boost algorithms); - Make Tool; - GDB, Kdbg; - Eclipse C/C++, KDevelop; - Updating the PostgreSQL open-source modules/extensions, adding some additional functionality (some additional vectors processing, weighted medians solving, standard deviation (sigma) solving): -; -; - ltree (standard PostgreSQL module/extension); - PostgreSQL Native API (SPI); - Make Tool; - GDB, Kdbg; - Eclipse C/C++, KDevelop; - Development of some suite of stored functions and triggers (PostgreSQL, PL/pgSQL); - Development of some suite of console tools for reading/analysis/parsing/extracting data/multi-thread export to DB, that reads vector data in binary formats and provides multi-thread export these vector data to the DB. Development some version of syntax/parser, that provides converting from one dialect of special expressions language to another: - flex, bison; - libpq, libpqxx; - STL, Boost C++ (command line parameters, xml files reading, regular expressions parsing, boost algorithms, multi-threading); - Log4cplus; - Make Tool; - GDB, Kdbg; - Eclipse C/C++; - valgrind; - Support of Ubuntu/Debian WS/Servers;