-------------------------------------------------; 15; f_precision = ;15; Current Configuration : --------------------------------------------- Current double precision : 15; Current output format of integers : dec; Unit of measurement of an angle : rad; --------------------; 3.141592653589793; 3.141592653589793; 3.141592653589793; 3.141592653589793; 2.718281828459045; 0.577215664901533; 1.618033988749895; -------------------------------------------------; 5; f_precision = ;5; Current Configuration : --------------------------------------------- Current double precision : 5; Current output format of integers : dec; Unit of measurement of an angle : rad; --------------------; 3.14159; 2.71828; 0.57722; 1.61803; -------------------------------------------------; 10; f_precision = ;10; Current Configuration : --------------------------------------------- Current double precision : 10; Current output format of integers : dec; Unit of measurement of an angle : rad; --------------------; 3.1415926536; 2.7182818285; 0.5772156649; 1.6180339887; -------------------------------------------------; f_precision = ;15; Current Configuration : --------------------------------------------- Current double precision : 15; Current output format of integers : dec; Unit of measurement of an angle : rad; --------------------; 3.141592653589793; 2.718281828459045; 0.577215664901533; 1.618033988749895; -------------------------------------------------;