Help (short reference) file for the sm_regex (SM Regular Expressions Calculator) tool. ---------------------------------------- NAME sm_regex SYNOPSIS SM Regular Expressions Calculator Please, see README and INSTALL files for more info about features and install instructions. sm_regex (SM Regular Expressions Calculator) tool: -------------------- sm_regex (SM Regular Expressions Calculator) tool contains: - sm_regex_q (.exe) - QML-based version of SM Regular Expressions Calculator (binary executable file); - sm_regex_w (.exe) - Widget-based version of SM Regular Expressions Calculator (binary executable file); -------------------- sm_regex_w (.exe): -------------------- Widget-based version of SM Regular Expressions Calculator contains follow GUI controls: - "Input" group box: - checkbox "Case Insensitive"; - checkbox "Multiline"; - one-line text edit "Pattern"; - one-line/multi-line text edit "Text"; - "Control" group box: - button "Clear Input"; - button "Inputs"; - button "Save Result"; - button "Copy Result"; - button "Settings"; - button "About"; - button "Exit"; - "Result" group box: - tab "Match": - button "Match"; - label: "Pattern Status: Valid"/"Pattern Status: Invalid"; - table view (columns: "Match index", "Group index", "Captured string", "Named group"); - tab "Replace": - button "Replace"; - label: "Pattern Status: Valid"/"Pattern Status: Invalid"; - one-line text edit "Replacement"; - one-line/multi-line text edit "Result"; - tab "SubExpressions": - button "SubExpressions"; - label: "Pattern Status: Valid"/"Pattern Status: Invalid"; - table view (columns: "Id", "SubExpression"); - Main menu: - "Control": - "Clear Input"; - "Inputs"; - "Save Result"; - "Copy Result"; - "Settings"; - "Exit"; - "Help": - "About"; - System Tray menu: - "Tray/Untray"; - "About"; - "Exit"; -------------------- sm_regex_q (.exe): -------------------- QML-based version of SM Regular Expressions Calculator contains follow GUI controls and pages: - Page "Main"/"Root": - link/button "Match" (page "Match"); - link/button "Replace" (page "Replace"); - link/button "SubExpression" (page "SubExpression"); - Left Menu: - "Match" ("Match" page); - "Replace" ("Replace" page); - "SubExpression" ("SubExpression" page); - Right Menu: - "Clear Input"; - "Inputs"; - "Save Result"; - "Copy Result"; - "Settings"; - "About"; - "Exit"; Elements of the Right Menu: "Clear Input", "Inputs", "Save Result", "Copy Result" will be enabled when have opened pages: "Match","Replace" or "SubExpression". - Page "Match": - checkbox "Case Insensitive"; - checkbox "Multiline"; - one-line text edit "Pattern"; - one-line/multi-line text edit "Text"; - button "Match"; - label: "Pattern Status: Valid"/"Pattern Status: Invalid"; - list view, that contains suite of nodes (after calculations); every node contains follow rows: "Match index", "Group index", "Captured string", "Named group"; - Page "Replace": - checkbox "Case Insensitive"; - checkbox "Multiline"; - one-line text edit "Pattern"; - one-line/multi-line text edit "Text"; - one-line text edit "Replacement"; - button "Replace"; - label: "Pattern Status: Valid"/"Pattern Status: Invalid"; - one-line/multi-line text edit "Result"; - Page "SubExpressions": - checkbox "Case Insensitive"; - checkbox "Multiline"; - one-line text edit "Pattern"; - one-line/multi-line text edit "Text"; - button "SubExpressions"; - label: "Pattern Status: Valid"/"Pattern Status: Invalid"; - list view, that contains suite of nodes (after calculations); every node contains follow rows: "Index", "SubExpression"; - System Tray menu: - "Tray/Untray"; - "About"; - "Exit"; -------------------- Please, see README and INSTALL files for more info about features and install instructions. -------------------- Copyright (C) 2021 SManSoft Sergey Manoylo