-------------------- sm_regex (SM Regular Expressions Calculator) - is a multi-platform (Windows/Linux) Qt-based Regular Expressions Calculator -------------------- Features of the SM Regular Expressions Calculator: - Multi-platform application: there are builds for Windows 64/32 (.zip) and Linux 64 (.tar.gz); - Calculation a Match (finds all substrings in the input string which match a regular expression pattern and returns all occurrences) using regular expressions; - Calculation a Replace (finds all substrings in the input string which match a regular expression pattern and replaces all occurrences, by entered replacement text), using regular expressions; - Calculation a SubExpressions (finds all substrings in the input string which match a regular expression pattern and separates text, by found substrings), using regular expressions; - Usage follow Regular Expressions engines: Qt RegEx, STL C++ RegEx (C++ 11); - Usage ECMAScript standard (by both engines as Qt RegEx as STL C++ RegEx (C++ 11)); - One-line and multi-line modes; - Case-insensitive and case-sensitive modes; - Saving the result in the Clipboard; - Saving the result in a Text File; - Tuning interface, usage Light and Dark themes; - Usage database, where Regular Expressions and options (one-line/multi-line and case-insensitive/case-sensitive), using during calculations can be saved; - Usage the System Tray on the Windows and Linux platforms during work of the SM Regular Expressions Calculator tool; - Log of results and applications workflow; - Portable build/version (archive(s) which can be just extracted); -------------------- Technologies and tools: - Windows Platform: C/C11/C++/C++11, CMake, Qt 5.14.2, Qt Creator 4.14, Visual Studio 2019 (including NMake tool), diff tool, Git, Windows Batch scripts, Tortoise Git client; - Linux Platform: C/C11/C++/C++11, CMake, gcc, g++, Make Tool, Kdbg, Qt 5.14.2, Qt Creator 4.14, diff tool, Python 3, Bash scripts, Git; - Virtual Box (Virtualization Software), Various distros of Linux (Debian 9/10, OpenSUSE, Ubuntu, Mint); -------------------- Links: Version http://smansoft.com/sm_regex/ http://smansoft.com/sm_regex/ http://smansoft.com/sm_regex/ http://smansoft.com/sm_regex/ http://smansoft.com/sm_regex/ http://smansoft.com/sm_regex/ http://blog.smansoft.com/2021/04/23/multi-platform-sm-regex-sm-regular-expressions-calculator-tool- http://blog.smansoft.com/products/sm-regex-calculator/ Screenshots (.jpg), demo log files (.log): http://smansoft.com/sm_regex/ -------------------- Copyright (C) 2021 SManSoft Sergey Manoylo